1971 Gibson Les Paul Custom $5250
Black Beauty, bound ebony fret board with block inlays and fretless wonder frets, gold hardware, added Grover tuners, light to average playing wear, nice weight, hard to find early seventies LP Custom LEFTY! Comes with original hard case. $5250
Guitar of the Week - this one with TA in mind
Mike Lewis
Labels: gear, gibson, guitar of the week
Guitars, Electronics, Wiring, and Sparkle paint
Now Let's talk about the Epiphone Goth Les Paul Studio
I recently acquired an Epiphone goth lp studio - and I love it. The action is great. I've played it the past couple of practices and plan on playing it more on our gig tomorrow night. It's not going to replace my other guitar which is a Gibson Faded Cherry SG Standard. I've never owned a LP before and I and fast understanding why people love them. Completely different sound than my SG.
The flat black finish is not a big hit with my good friend and drummer, Shawn. He is insisting on painting the body top "something sparkley". I'm not sure about this, in his defense he does have experience painting motorcycle gas tanks, and most recently, my Epiphone Valve Junior head (he painted that a lovely red sparkle). I have to say the amp looks great, I'll get a picture and post another time.
I told him I would need to see a guitar he has painted before I commit, he is currently painting the body top of his black jap Fender Telecaster (I will post picture of this as well). The flat black finish on my Epi is great for finger prints, and I think it looks pretty cool. More on the "painting hue's guitar" later.
I do want to make some changes on the goth, mainly to make it sound like the most awesome Les Paul I ever played...The Les Paul BFG This Guitar is incredible, but I don't have a grand to put down on a guitar. I can however play a few shows and afford some electronics.
My neighborhood guitar shop, Lavonne's Music couldn't keep these things on the shelves... and ugly? Oh baby this guitar is so ugly you need to be wearing beer goggles just to play it. Once you start playing it and hear how awesome it sounds you never want to unplug it...
Go play one you will know what I'm talking about, here is what Gibson says about the BFG...
"A stripped-down, rock ’n’ roll flamethrower, the Les Paul BFG is the most powerful Les Paul Gibson has ever made." - Some Dude From Gibson
What makes this guitar awesome has nothing to do the the aesthetics, rather it's the electronics...
Let's talk about pickups man!
I'm not a studio engineer, or a guitar tech... What I am is your basic dick hack enthusiast who like plays in a bar band on weekends and knows what he likes. My favorite pickup set is the same as my favorite breakfast set up - something crunchy and something creamy. Like oat meal with little crunchy sprinkle things on it.
First: The creamy...

Classic P-90 Creme Soapbar
The BFG has the black soapbar, I prefer the Creme color. In my opinion, and for my style and playing this is the prefect rhythm or neck pick up. Smooth as hell and quite cool looking.
Now, on to the Crunchy...

Gibson 500T/ Hot Ceramic/ Zebra
Not much to say about this pickup other than, "oh hells yeah".

If you look at the picture of the BFG on the left, you will notice it appears to be missing a tone pot. Actually this is the pickup switch, There are two volumes, one tone, and the switch.
The top switch on the BFG is an on/off switch. I won't actually change the wiring as I don't think an On/Off switch is necessary for my use.
Any thoughts out there on Epiphones, P-90s, Zebra Humbuckers, BFGs, oatmeal with cruchy things, or sparkle paint? let me know...
Mike Lewis
Epiphone Vintage Collection
I was going to do a post about my newly acquired Epiphone goth lp studio, and while checking out the site I found this story about the Epiphone Vintage Collection. I love old instruments, and thought I would share...
I'll post about my Epi later...
In March of 2007 the Epiphone Guitar Company acquired the world's largest and most comprehensive collection of pre-1957 Epiphone instruments.

1910 Harp Guitar

1923-1925 Banjo/Mandolin

1928 Model 4 Flat Top
Mike Lewis
Here is quote most people cannot relate to...
The easiest kind of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The hardest is with one.
- Joan Baez
I totally understand what you mean. But instead of 10,000 people, I'm lucky if it's 50. Out of that 50 I'm lucky if half of them aren't watching sports on television...
Has there really been that many times where 10,000 people crowed stands JUST to see Joan Baez? I always thought Joan Baez was tossed into those big music festivals as kind of an intermission. You know time for the crowd to wash the vomit off and take more acid for the next ROCK band. Can you imagine a crowd of 10,000 Baez fans? The overwhelming smell of Patchouli comes to mind...
Mike Lewis
Fake Money Doesn't Fool TN Strippers... Um ... I mean "Dancers"
I believe what tipped off the strippers... um... I mean "Dancers" to this horny counterfeiter was, The $100 bills didn't make very good straws.
Mike Lewis
Owen, just call Wes Anderson and make another movie!
perhaps it is time for a Bottle Rocket Sequel
If you haven't heard, Owen Wilson attempted suicide over the weekend. The Mother Goldstein staff wishes Owen a speedy recovery.
I saw the movie, "you, me and Dupree" over the weekend on cable and afterwards I wanted to kill MYSELF. I can't imagine what Owen is going through.
Mike Lewis
Labels: celebrity, entertainment, movie, News
Who is the fattest of them all?
Mississippi is the Fattest state in the USA!
According to a new study, this Deep (fried) South state is the fattest in the nation. Colorado is last on the list, Minnesota is right in the middle (no thanks to my fat arse).
How does your state fare?
Mississippi - 30.6
West Virginia - 29.8
Alabama - 29.4
Louisiana - 28.2
South Carolina - 27.8
Tennessee - 27.8
Kentucky - 27.5
Arkansas - 27.0
Indiana - 26.8
Michigan - 26.8
Oklahoma - 26.8
Missouri - 26.3
Texas - 26.3
Georgia - 26.1
Ohio - 26.0
Alaska - 25.8
North Carolina - 25.6
Nebraska - 25.4
North Dakota - 25.1
Iowa - 24.9
South Dakota - 24.9
Wisconsin - 24.8
Pennsylvania - 24.5
Virginia - 24.5
Illinois - 24.4
Maryland - 24.4
Kansas - 24.3
Minnesota - 23.7
Delaware - 23.6
Oregon - 23.3
Idaho - 23.2
Washington - 23.2
Maine - 23.0
Florida - 22.9
Wyoming - 22.8
California - 22.7
Nevada - 22.5
New Hampshire - 22.4
New York - 22.4
New Jersey - 22.2
New Mexico - 22.0
Arizona - 21.7
Utah - 21.1
Montana - 20.7
Rhode Island - 20.5
Connecticut - 20.1
Hawaii - 20.1
Vermont - 20.0
Massachusetts - 19.8
Colorado - 17.6
Mike Lewis
Labels: News
DIY Volume Pedal
Since I saw Son Volt's guitarist, Chris Masterson's awesome volume pedal work I've been trying to find a cheap volume pedal. Then started talking to my bass player (amp builder, pedal tweaker) about suggestions, he said I didn't have enough room on my pedal board for a pedal the size of a volume pedal.
I do have a Dunlop Crybaby, and now I have found the schematics for Turning My Cry Baby into a Volume / Wah combo! Wow I can't believe how excited I am about this... I'm sure whomever is reading this is on the edge of their seat.
I will keep you posted on how it goes / sounds.

So there you are TA - my pedal board - (I'll give you a minute to let the goosebumps go down) as you can see there is no room for a addl volume pedal.
And before any of you give me any shit for the wireless, you have to understand that my band does not have a sound man and it's important to be able to get off stage and see how things sound... See how things sound? HEAR how things sound. Sometimes I will run wireless from my pedal board to my amp to avoid a chord frenzy.
Many newspapers around the country decided not to run the today's Opus Comic.
What makes this particular Opus cartoon so interesting and newsworthy has nothing to do with the Islamic references, rather this Opus cartoon is actually funny.
Mike Lewis
Labels: News, political correctness, terrorists
Michael Vick, "I found Jesus"
Did you hear? Michael Vick Found Jesus! He then swung Jesus around by the leash - eventually finishing him off with electrocution.
His lawyers later blamed the whole "son of God / son of doG" confusion on Vick's dyslexia.
Mike Lewis
new videos for your enjoyment
I have some new videos from YOU TUBE for your enjoyment...
Warren Haynes - "Slide Guitar"
From Govt Mule / Allman Bros - showing off some slide skills.
Peter Case - "After Hours On Pico Blvd"
Peter Case - you know? the guy from the Plimsouls? That only scratches the surface of this incredible troubadour ... TA had a great post about The incredible Peter Case
Kelly Joe Phelps - "Goodnight Irene"
This is the second video I am showing - this guy is incredible - I will blog about him soon... until then check him out
Jack Johnson, Donavon Frankenreiter and G-Love - live at the orange lounge doing "Rodeo Clown".
I've been a G Love fan since his first album, all I really know about Jack Johnson is, my kids love his work on the "Curious George" soundtrack.
Ben Harper - "When it's good"
From the Carson Daly show... Carson is a total pussy, but I won't hold it against Ben.
Derek Trucks and Warren Haynes - "Old Friends"
Backstage acoustic version.
Ryan Adams and the Cardinals
A couple songs from his new CD "Easy Tiger": "Off Broadway" and "Oh My God, Whatever, Etc."
Finally, classic Uncle Tupelo from back in '89 doing: "Graveyard Shift" and "Factory Belt"
From a local cable access show!
Hope you enjoy... there is a bit of a slide theme happening here...
Mike Lewis
Labels: blues music, Derek Trucks, music, rock music, ryan adams, warren haynes, you tube
Guitar of the week
Now I have my new banner image, I will be POSTING my "guitar of the week" brought to by WILLIE'S AMERICAN GUITARS in beautiful Saint Paul, MN.
Remember, if you EVER come to the Twin Cities of Minnesota and you DON'T visit Willie's, you WILL have you guitar card revoked.
Guitar of the week...

2006 Rick Turner Renaissance Model 1C-LB $3500
Now you can be just like Lindsey Buckingham. From my understanding, if you pay $3,500.00 for this guitar, it comes with documented proof you once had sex with Stevie Nicks... I may be wrong on this.
Mike Lewis
Labels: gear, guitar of the week
This is why I don't buy into the whole Autism / Thimerosal debate
Doctor who used chelation therapy charged in autistic boy's death
If you know anyone who has children with Autism and they are even THINKING about Chelation Therapy you should hit them over the head with a large steel anvil - or better yet, have them do some research on this whole thimerosal debate. They will find the so called research has been debunked time and time again. The response from the Thimerosal crowd? Conspiracy! and Government Cover ups!
If you have a child with Autism...
There are no quick fixes - it is a long, expensive, stress filled journey you would never trade for anything int he world.
Welcome to Holland people let's enjoy this beautiful country!
Mike Lewis
Atlanta NAACP: Let Quarterback Michael Vick Return to NFL
I almost fell out of my seat when I Read this.
Apparently, R.L. White (president of the NAACP's Atlanta chapter) thinks we need to give Vick a second chance, but no mention of the other defendants.
"'We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country.'"
I guess if your idea of "Enjoyment" is watching a QB run when she should have passed, overthrow receivers, and electrocute dogs.
Mike Lewis
DIsturbing news from Russia
All I can say about this is What a heartless bitch!
There is a lesson to be learned, if you divorce DON'T CONTINUE TO LIVE WITH YOUR EX!
Mike Lewis
Bin Laden alive!
Osama is fast becoming the Elvis of the Muslim world.
I know this information to be true. You know how I know this is true? Well, Mansour Dadullah says so... he also claims to have bathed in the last week or so... hmmm maybe this Dadullah character is just screwing with us.
Mike Lewis
Labels: News, terrorists
Easy Tiger!
The latest CD from Ryan Adams, "Easy Tiger" is his best effort since 2000 "Heartbreaker".
I love when artists grow with every record, "Easy Tiger" is just that. Adams shows the listener a new side, but still holds on the sound that made him.
There is no title track to "Easy Tiger" is more a description of the record's mood. The rockin song, "Halloween Head" is one of those songs you keep hitting the repeat button on. Then from rock to his country roots for songs like, "Tears of Gold" and "Two". (I would love to hear Neil Young cover "Tears of Gold").
All the songs are solid and show a growth I appreciate as a musician.
Go buy the CD - I love it.
Mike Lewis
Labels: alt country, music review, ryan adams
ghoulish laboratory of horrors
This sounds like it came right out of a bad movie, Bronx basement lab of horrors. Some of the most frightening things found were: Obama campaign materials, an unwashed/uncircumcised post sex penis (see posting below), and the new Nickelback CD.
Mike Lewis
Labels: News
Washing After Sex May Raise H.I.V. Risk
I'm just surprised this study wasn't conducted in France.
Washing After Sex May Raise H.I.V. Risk... Not Washing After Sex May Raise Risk of not getting sex a second time.
Mike Lewis
TMBG - The Else
There are only two types of people when in comes to They Might Be Giants (pictured above... I think): Those who like TMBG, and those who hate TMBG. I define myself as a big fan of the Giants. If you are part of the "haters" You will hate the following post, and most likely make a comment on how TMBG are nothing more than Joke Rock and should never be compared to REAL bands like Creed or Nickleback.
Driving to work today while listening to They Might Be Giants most recent CD, The Else. Very solid. I picked this CD up last month and just realized today how much I have it in the rotation.
I was huge fan in 80's and 90's then something crazy happened when my wife and I started making babies... TMBG started doing kid DVDs and CDs - my kids still listen to "here come the abc's" - other great kid's CDs are, "no" and "Bed Bed Bed".
"The Else" brings TMBG together with the Dust Brothers to create a great listening experience. The song that comes to mind for anyone who liked "Flood", "The Bee of the Bird of the Moth" is like taking a time machine back 15 years.
I'm not going to on and on about this but I will say - if you like good old TMBG - got get "The Else".
Oh yeah, check out their podcast, if you are a podcast geek like me, very cool.
Mike Lewis
Labels: music review, rock music, they might be giants
Pot calls Kettle Black

Pictured above: Pot

Pictured above: Kettle
The best thing about this article is Pot's use of the word,"ombudsman"
Mike Lewis
Labels: al sharpton, don imus, News
Steven Seagal says The FBI Killed his Career
Steven Seagal says The FBI Killed his Career I always thought it was because of a combination of things like: He got to old, got too fat, his acting never improved, he is a tool, and/or his movies totally suck. Here is a description of ALL of Steven Seagal's movies:
1. someone killed Steven Seagal's: Brother, Family, or Friend/partner.
2. Steven Seagal wants revenge, but has to work with a new partner (he doesn't want a new partner, this new partner will be a rookie and most likely get killed by the same people who killed his Brother, Family, or Friend/partner).
3. Steven Seagal usually meets up with a: Sweet old man, young kid, or old Sensei (They also get beat up or killed by same people who killed his: Brother, Family, or Friend/partner.
4. End of movie Steven kills bad guy, ties up loose ends, and has a new girl friend.
5. throughout the movie Seagal kills and injures people with Martial Arts ( he studies Fat Kwon Bo).
Note: this is also the description of every Jet Li Movie as well... also Dirty Harry (substitute Martial Arts with .44 Magnum).
Mike Lewis
Labels: action star, movie, News, steven seagal
Ah Fargo

I lived in Fargo, ND for 13 fun filled years (more like booze filled years). Anyway I always get excited when I see Fargo in the News.
Ah Fargo... I miss your bars, your (way too many) corporate eating establishments, and I miss the people... but out of those people the ones I miss most of all are the sluts! I also miss my kilt, hey where the hell is my kilt!?
Mike Lewis
Max Roach
Been listening to a lot of Charlie Parker in the past month or so. I was very sad to hear of the passing of Max Roach - he lived for 83 years. A true master of the craft and inspiration to many drummers.
Mike Lewis
Labels: charlie parker, jazz music, max roach, News, obituaries
The Gourds
For the past couple of days I have been listening to "Nobel Creatures" the ninth CD from Austin, Texas' own, The Gourds.
So far my favorite song is, "Life on the Vine". Check it out and wrap yourself up in all it's twangy goodness.
Mike Lewis
Labels: alt country, music, music review, the gourds
Don Imus being sued
Imus is getting screwed... um I mean sued by one of the Rutgers Women's Basketball Players (pictured). I am surprised it took this long for the first of what I am sure will be many frivolous lawsuits on the matter.
Center, Kia Vaughn was so hurt by Imus' terrible remarks - the only cure is a big fat bandaid made out of money. The comments not only impugned her reputation by questioning her chaste, but was also a terrible dis to her hairstyle.
This kind of crap really pisses me off. I am not a huge Imus fan, I AM a fan of the attention he has brought to Autism (even though he believes in the whole thimerosal controversy, which I don't - but that is for another posting).
My point is, everybody wants a quick payday and I'm getting tired of it. Too many people in our country claim to be honest folks, but as soon as they think they can get a paycheck for being "offended" all of the sudden they become big pant load / crybabies - whining about having their feelings hurt. There are a lot of things that offend me or piss me off (Nickelback and people who market Sarah Jessica Parker as a sex symbol immediately come to mind), but I'm not looking for a payout no matter how bad Chad Kroeger sucks! (note: Chad Kroeger is one of the only celebrities uglier than Sarah Jessica Parker).
This is not the first time Kia Vaughn has heard the term "ho". She is college student, I'd be willing to bet she has a few songs on her iPod that use that word and worse. Does she deserve to be called a "ho"? Of course not, she needs to accept Imus' apology and move on!
Does this make what Don said about the team right? yes and no, let us not forget Imus was a f'n morning shock jock and last time I checked, Morning Shock Jocks are supposed to be shocking and offend people... AND he did lost is job over this!
There are a lot of people who would argue that Don making fun of people in the public eye is ok but when he makes fun of the Rutgers Women's Basketball Team he went too far! I say, if your a college basketball player who's team is playing in the NCAA tournament, THAT MAKES YOU IN THE PUBLIC EYE!!!
I get pissed off when people make fun of people who can't fight back. If Imus made fun of kids with Autism, that would piss me off because kids with Autism can't tell Don to fuck off! Kia Vaughn CAN tell Don to fuck off (if she does that she runs the risk of offending Don and having him screw, um I mean, sue her).
Obviously, Ms. Vaughn has nice hair - you can see in the picture it is not nappy at all (Not that nappy is bad - I don't want to offend anyone). I for one do not question Ms. Vaughn's chaste, in fact I understand the word, "ho" is a widely used word in the lexicon of urban hipsters and old curmudgeonly radio hosts (and Santa Claus). I also don't think I am the only person in the world who feels this way. Ms. Vaughn, your character is fine and I'm sure nobody actually believes you are a "Nappy Headed Ho" SO STOP STANDING THERE WITH YOUR GREEDY LITTLE HAND OUT!
I think Imus is getting screwed on this deal, love him or hate him, he is getting screwed. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't someone who screws someone else for money - a, "Prostitute"?
People are too damn sensitive, just the other day I was accused of being racist because I stated, "I would never vote for someone like Obama". My friend said, "you're racist, you wouldn't vote for Obama because he is black"? I said, "no, I would not vote for Obama because he is a little milk toast pussy".
Mike Lewis
Labels: don imus, frivolous lawsuits, nappy headed hos, News
The third season of Weeds started last night... do you have your TIVO set?
How foxy is Mary Louis Parker in the picture? 43 year old total milf. Oh yeah she won a couple golden globes and an emmy (if you look close enough you can actually see one of her golden globes
Mike Lewis
Labels: Marijuana, Mary Louis Parker, showtime, weeds
Van-Halen Announce New tour
With David Lee Roth
Sans Michael Anthony... huh?
I'm sure by now everyone knows Van Halen announced tour plans, but what I did not know is Michael Anthony will not be part of the show as he is currently on tour with The Red Rocker himself.
In Anthony's spot, Eddie's son Wolfgang will be playing bass (pictured).
I don't think the bass parts would be that difficult to learn, it's the background vocals I am concerned about. Michael Anthony's harmonies are what make Van Halen, well Van Halen no matter who they have singing.
I think I would rather see Sammy's tour, at least I know I can drink plenty of Cabo Wabo.
Mike Lewis
Labels: rock music, tours, van halen
A new law straight outta LA!
Saggy pants are now outlawed in parts of LA, Mansfield, LA not Los Angeles.
Anyone caught wearing sagging pants who exposes his or her underwear will be subject to a fine of up to $150 plus court costs, or face up to 15 days in jail.
The world could learn from Mansfield, LA.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't this "style" get it's start in prison? I heard this "style" was first made popular by certain inmate's "bitches" who needed to be able to "drop trou" in a moments notice and satisfy their "special inmate"... Now you have a bunch of morons dressing like that to be cool.
When was anal rape ever cool.
Think about that next time you see, Lil Wayne (pictured)
Mike Lewis
Fukuoka woman stripped of her title
The Fukuoka woman who once had the title of Oldest Living Person had that title stripped from her yesterday - when she died.
Mike Lewis
Labels: News, oldest living person
Go Buy the new Kanye West CD... PLEASE
I never thought I would recommend any Kanye West CD, but after reading THIS - I find myself pleading to you...
PLEASE - Go Buy the new Kanye West CD... PLEASE
Mike Lewis
Labels: music review, rap music
Remembering My Father
My Father was Joe E. Lewis a.k.a. Big Joe - and he made his living playing and writing music with the legendary, Conway Twitty.
Even though he died when I was 11 years old, there is not a day that goes by I don't think of him.
Thanks to YouTUBE I can share some memories with you. (he's the big guy playing bass).
Mike Lewis
Labels: conway twitty, country music, joe lewis, you tube
Solt Volt At the Zoo 08-10-07
Last night Son Volt rocked the zoo. Opening act was Slim Dunlop both were great.
They played for around 2 hours, all I can say is three things:
1. go buy "the search" and/or see son volt the next time you have a chance.
2. if you are ever in the Minneapolis area in the summer time, go the zoo for a show.
3. My wife is total fox - it was a great anniversary weekend!Just a couple things about the show. First I would like to personally apologize to drummer, Dave Bryson for being attacked by a flock of our state birds (mosquitoes) for the entire two hours, especially if he comes down with a case of west nile...
New guitarist, Chris Masterson is awesome, he did have some string issues during the first two songs - but did great.
Derry DeBorja's keyboard playing was spot on, with his long hair he kind of looks like Brandon Lee (if Brandon Lee chain smoked 100's). Andrew DuPlantis' bass playing is solid as ever, as was his background vocals - he looked like he was having the most fun. He held a solid rhythm section with Dave Bryson (I wanted to give this guy some "Deep Woods Off").Jay Ferrar was incredible and sounded awesome, he is a man of few words. He asked the crowd "hows everybody doing" after the first song. Midway through he mumbled well wishes to an old friend in crowd, then just before he started the encore he asked, "is everbody still doing ok"?
Some of my favorite moments, Jet Pilot, Beacon Soul, Voodoo Candle, and Damn Shame.
They did not do my favorite song, "caryatid easy", in fact they did NOTHING from "Straightaways".
Here is the set list:
1. the search - the search
2. satelite - the search
3. who - okamah and the melody of riot
4 . The Picture - the search
5. underground dream - the search
6. beacon soul - the search
7. highways and cigarettes - the search
8. jet pilot - okamah and the melody of riot
9. automatic society - the search
10. exurbia - new bonus single from "The Search"
11. methamphetamine - the search
12. damn shame*** from the EP "thirdShiftGrottoSlack"
13. voodoo candle From the Jay Farrar solo ep "Sebastopol"
14. medication - okamah and the melody of riot
15. adrenaline and heresy - the search
16. tear stain eye - trace
17. action - the search
18. bandages & scars - okamah and the melody of riot
19. afterglow 61 - okamah and the melody of riot
20. drown - trace
21. windfall - trace
22. Live Free - trace
Then they closed the show with the Uncle Tupelo classic...
23. Chickamauga
Mike Lewis
Labels: alt country, minnesota zoo, music review, son volt
two great Podcasts of note...
I listen to these podcasts everyday, check em out...Dan Barreiro

Mike Lewis
Labels: bob sansevere, Dan Barreiro, kqrs morning show, podcast
Happy 8-10-07
Happy 8-10 what a great day it is...
First of all Happy birthday to my son's godfather, Marvin! Marvin has had a tough year, but things are looking up! See you at the benefit this month!
Today is also special because according to my marriage certificate, my wife and I were married 7 years ago today. The funny thing about that? we were actually married on the 11th (tomorrow), but we were married in Jamaica and well - i guess the marriage license dude was stoned...
I want to wish my wife a happy as hell anniversary, I love you very much. I am the luckiest man alive I have 3 awesome kids, and hot young wife 10 years my junior.
This Evening my awesome mother is coming to babysit the brood while my foxy wife and I ENJOY a great evening of food, then music in the Minnesota State Zoo.
First we will head over to our new favorite Apple Valley Restaurant, Enjoy! I will have the: Apple Wood Smoked Bacon Wrapped Scallops Three large fresh scallops wrapped in bacon and served with a jicama arugula salad, topped with a balsamic reduction, Then move on to a bowl of Four Onion Soup Topped with aged Swiss gratin and toasted sourdough bread, and finally I will have the wood oven Spicy Sausage Pizza With caramelized onion and provolone cheese. No desert, just 4 to 9 vodka martinis.
Not sure what my lovely spouse will have but I'm sure it will include lots of wine wine wine.
When the dust clears at Enjoy we will head over the Minnesota State Zoo to see
SON VOLT.For years Son Volt has been one of my favorite bands, created from the aftermath of the Uncle Tupelo split, which also resulted in the creation of Wilco.
Both bands have been consistently kicking out great records over the years, and I am stoked about seeing Son Volt this evening. Plan on giving a full review this weekend. Zoo shows are generally stripped down acoustic shows. I have never seen a show at the zoo, but my hot as hell wife saw Rusted Root, Indigo Girls, and Brandi Carlile.
I understand there are two definite camps out there - either you are a Son Volt fan or a Wilco fan - I say bullshit - I'm an Uncle Tupelo fan and just put up with Wilco and Son Volt out of respect.
My favorite song by SV? that is a simple question,
"Caryatid Easy"
I just love that opening riff...
And I re- mem-ber one fa- ded summer
And I re- mem-ber the curtain call
Mike Lewis
Labels: anniversary, Enjoy Restaurant, minnesota zoo, music, son volt, wife
Pearl Jam VS AT&T
Pearl Jam is not happy with AT&T.
What do you think? PJ posted See For Yourself on their website today.
This should have never been censored, even if they are bastardizing a great Pink Floyd song.
I'm gonna try to NOT get all political on this blog (that one of the things that killed HUEZINE) - I don't care who you lampoon or mock while on on stage - just don't mess the Floyd songs.
I've never really understood the whole Daughter song - but that is for another time.
Oh yeah, check out the picture of McCready playing a SAVAGE BLITZ 50 2X12 COMBO is pretty cool.
And no I don't work for SAVAGE AMPS, I just like to support local businesses.
Mike Lewis
Welcome to Roseanne World
First there was the Pamela and Tommy Lee Sex tape, The Vince Neil tape, then One night in Paris, Now there is a Roseanne Bare Sex Tape!
I can't wait to see it! Oh Baby!
Mike Lewis
Derek Trucks playing a Savage?
This is a cool picture of Derek Trucks at the Crossroads Music fest.
What makes this picture so cool is the Savage Amp in the background.
Savage Audio is about 2 miles from my house in beautiful Savage, MN. One of the coolest shops. Wall to wall vintage amps and a complete stage set up in the back room of the store (in case you want to test drive an amp and your band just happens to be with you).
Not everyone is lucky enough to live in Savage, MN for those who live elsewhere, click here for a list of authorized dealers.
They even make a sweet little 6 watt amp called the Mach 6, check em out.
Mike Lewis
Labels: amps, Derek Trucks, gear, music, savage, savage amps
Bonds sets new record
A lot of people are bitching and moaning about Barry Bonds breaking Hank Aaron's record on Tuesday night.
What is the big f'n deal about so called, performance-enhancers? Rockstars have used them... scratch that, Musicians have used them... scratch that, artists as a whole have used so called performance-enhancers for years.
Are we supposed to throw away all our Charlie Parker CDs because he was on performance-enhancers?
Are we supposed to kick Jimi Hendrix out of the Rock and Roll hall of fame because he used performance-enhancers?
Personally I don't dislike Bonds because of the performance-enhancers, rather I can't stand bonds because he is a dick.
Now if you excuse me I am going to listen to some good old fashioned heroin addled jazz music.
Mike Lewis
Labels: drugs, performance enhancer, sports
Testicle Surgery Mystifies Police
With the 35W bridge collapse happening a week ago, This story obviously got overlooked.
This is a great example of "Minnesota Nice". When those mean old doctors would not help this poor man with his, "Chronic Pain" he turned to one of our friendly citizens for help. Us Minnesotans are always ready and willing to roll up our sleeves and help whenever we can. Perhaps the man the police are looking for is non other than, Mr. Minnesota nice himself, Garrison Keillor! (pictured)
Mike Lewis
Labels: garrison keillor, hometown news, minneapolis, News, strange
La Cinco Vatio Amplificador Revolution!
I recently went into Guitar Center to check out the Dean VX (The $199.00 Flying V) actually pretty cool little guitar. Basswood body, it sounds surprisingly good, and the action is very impressive. I wasn't happy with the bolt on neck - but for the price I was very impressed. A big guy like me looks quite funny with a "V" strapped on (not cool like I looked at age 19), but If I am to start my new side project, "hUe.F.O." I need a V...
When I asked the young lad if they had an Epiphone Valve Junior head I could plug into a 4X12 Marshall (prefer one with 65-watt speakers), just to get a better idea of how this guitar would sound with my current rig. The Cooligan said, "OH, your part of the 5 watt revolution eh?" then he rolled his eyes. He stood there and rubbed his chin with his hand and said, "Um, no" then walked away (most likely to go touch up his black fingernail polish). A different employee approached me and said they did not have a Epi Valve Jr. available because they can't keep them on the shelves, then added, "You're a fellow 5 Watter?" Like we were part of some sub-culture... I am just glad he didn't test me on the secret handshake, as I would have failed.At this point I was a little weirded out by the whole 5 watter thing, I know there are a lot of people out there doing mods to these wonderful little amps. I did not know there was a faction of players out there who look down upon me and my 5 watt brothers - I was starting to feel "stupid AND contagious". I had to get out there.
If you have not tried one of these Epi Valve Juniors, give one a try - can't go wrong for $100.00 (the combo for $125.00). Tubes sound better then integrated circuits. I love my little 5 watt.
Also, if you are interested in a $199.00 V guitar check out the Dean VX - I didn't buy the one I tried... yet.
Let the revolution begin! Viva La Cinco Vatio Amplificador!
Mike Lewis
Labels: 5 watt, amps, gear, guitar center, valve jr.
Bobby Bare Jr
All week long I will be devoting my blog to some of my favorite Alt Country artists.
For the past 6 months or so I have been immersing myself BACK into Alt Country.
First of all I hate the term Alt Country, but it's easier to say than, Music that is too rock for country stations and too country for rock stations.
The first artist I want to focus on is, Bobby Bare Jr and the Young Criminal's Starvation League
BBJ, is son of Nashville Legend, Bobby Bare. His most recent CD "The Longest Meow" is great and totally worth owning. Check him out when he comes to a city near you.
One of my favorite songs is, "Come see me in music City" here is sample of the lyrics:
the hills are filled with naked hee haw honeysLooking for a new CD to buy? Give Bobby Bare Jr and the Young Criminal's Starvation League a try.
who all sing along in perfect harmony
the worlds greatest living guitar pickers
can deliver you a pizza or sell you weed
guitar strings grow on shrubs and maple trees
guitar picks tumble out of gumball machines
record deals fly in and out like happy bumble bees
the cops carry capos
in case you want to change your key
in Nashville, Tennessee
Mike Lewis
Labels: alt country, bobby bare jr., music review
The Greatest Disco Album of all time
Ethel Merman never looked or sounded so sultry as she does on this album. I believe the hand in the picture belongs to that horny little bastard, Chuck Mangione.
The block rockin beats are infectious - and words cannot describe Ethel's cover of "Shake Your Booty" or "disco inferno".
I am not ashamed to say, I AM A MER-MAN!!!!!
Mike Lewis