I recently went into Guitar Center to check out the Dean VX (The $199.00 Flying V) actually pretty cool little guitar. Basswood body, it sounds surprisingly good, and the action is very impressive. I wasn't happy with the bolt on neck - but for the price I was very impressed. A big guy like me looks quite funny with a "V" strapped on (not cool like I looked at age 19), but If I am to start my new side project, "hUe.F.O." I need a V...
When I asked the young lad if they had an Epiphone Valve Junior head I could plug into a 4X12 Marshall (prefer one with 65-watt speakers), just to get a better idea of how this guitar would sound with my current rig. The Cooligan said, "OH, your part of the 5 watt revolution eh?" then he rolled his eyes. He stood there and rubbed his chin with his hand and said, "Um, no" then walked away (most likely to go touch up his black fingernail polish). A different employee approached me and said they did not have a Epi Valve Jr. available because they can't keep them on the shelves, then added, "You're a fellow 5 Watter?" Like we were part of some sub-culture... I am just glad he didn't test me on the secret handshake, as I would have failed.At this point I was a little weirded out by the whole 5 watter thing, I know there are a lot of people out there doing mods to these wonderful little amps. I did not know there was a faction of players out there who look down upon me and my 5 watt brothers - I was starting to feel "stupid AND contagious". I had to get out there.
If you have not tried one of these Epi Valve Juniors, give one a try - can't go wrong for $100.00 (the combo for $125.00). Tubes sound better then integrated circuits. I love my little 5 watt.
Also, if you are interested in a $199.00 V guitar check out the Dean VX - I didn't buy the one I tried... yet.
Let the revolution begin! Viva La Cinco Vatio Amplificador!
La Cinco Vatio Amplificador Revolution!
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When in doubt, always buy the guitar.
As for GC employees go, I'm ambivalent. Of course, they're the same condescending shit heads they've always been, but now the corporation that is GC is treating them worse than slaves. I'd almost change my POV on labor unions viability based on how badly GC treats it's employees.
Left wing blogger Tom Watson wrote a post back in 2004 about how cool he thought it was for us oldsters to be able to go into a GC and actually play with the gear vs. the way it used to be when only the chosen few were deemed cool enough by the Cooligan’s (LOL) were allowed to actually play instruments in music stores. He even decided to invest in GC stock. This post became his most responded to post ever and in the end he decided not to invest. Current and former GC employees and even their wives/girlfriends wrote comments about how deplorable the conditions were and how bad the commissions system was.
It’s a great post and the associated comments gave me great pause. I still occasionally get put off by a GC dickweed, but I’ve reeled in my distain and feel more sorry for them now.
Check it out here…
First, don't let the bolt-on neck turn you away. It's not worth the extra grand to get a neck thru.
I have several epiphone's whith bolt-on, and I love them.
I wouldn't buy the Dean though, I'd buy an Epiphone V.
Totally fucking brilliant.
You consistanly amaze me.
5 Watters eh? Never heard of such a subculture, but hey, if it has tubes, it works for me.
That guy probably likes the new crappy Marshalls.
I really like at Epi Goth V - nice looking and with the flat finish doe not show any finger prints - which is very important for guys like me who can only play a V after a bucket of chicken...
Schenker was all over the chicken dude. Had to have it before he would go on.
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