
Atlanta NAACP: Let Quarterback Michael Vick Return to NFL

I almost fell out of my seat when I Read this.

Apparently, R.L. White (president of the NAACP's Atlanta chapter) thinks we need to give Vick a second chance, but no mention of the other defendants.

"'We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country.'"

I guess if your idea of "Enjoyment" is watching a QB run when she should have passed, overthrow receivers, and electrocute dogs.


Tony Alva said...

I'm glad you posted this. I figured if I did, I'd sound redundant at best, racist at worst. I wonder if this guy would feel the same way if he had to watch 40+ dags get euthenized today since they've all been trained to fight and are too agressive to adopt out. As I said over at IDM, the NAACP and SCLC is out of touch with the issues that affect their membership the most.

Your assessment of his QB'ing skills are accurate as well, although the dude could get himself out of a tight spot like no other. Too bad it won't work for him on the field of criminal justice.

Jackson said...

I have no problem with Vick returning to the NFL after he serves his time. I mean, I think any team who takes him as a QB would be stupid to do so because he sucks at QB, but he could do ok as a RB, maybe....I'm thinking he finds a new carreer while in the joint.

Mike Lewis said...

perhaps he will make someone a good "bitch" someday.

Jackson said...

One could only hope he get's defiled, but I see him more of the defiler - he's a gangster, and will be treated as such by his peers.

He's got a great future in cigarettes.