Imus is getting screwed... um I mean sued by one of the Rutgers Women's Basketball Players (pictured). I am surprised it took this long for the first of what I am sure will be many frivolous lawsuits on the matter.
Center, Kia Vaughn was so hurt by Imus' terrible remarks - the only cure is a big fat bandaid made out of money. The comments not only impugned her reputation by questioning her chaste, but was also a terrible dis to her hairstyle.
This kind of crap really pisses me off. I am not a huge Imus fan, I AM a fan of the attention he has brought to Autism (even though he believes in the whole thimerosal controversy, which I don't - but that is for another posting).
My point is, everybody wants a quick payday and I'm getting tired of it. Too many people in our country claim to be honest folks, but as soon as they think they can get a paycheck for being "offended" all of the sudden they become big pant load / crybabies - whining about having their feelings hurt. There are a lot of things that offend me or piss me off (Nickelback and people who market Sarah Jessica Parker as a sex symbol immediately come to mind), but I'm not looking for a payout no matter how bad Chad Kroeger sucks! (note: Chad Kroeger is one of the only celebrities uglier than Sarah Jessica Parker).
This is not the first time Kia Vaughn has heard the term "ho". She is college student, I'd be willing to bet she has a few songs on her iPod that use that word and worse. Does she deserve to be called a "ho"? Of course not, she needs to accept Imus' apology and move on!
Does this make what Don said about the team right? yes and no, let us not forget Imus was a f'n morning shock jock and last time I checked, Morning Shock Jocks are supposed to be shocking and offend people... AND he did lost is job over this!
There are a lot of people who would argue that Don making fun of people in the public eye is ok but when he makes fun of the Rutgers Women's Basketball Team he went too far! I say, if your a college basketball player who's team is playing in the NCAA tournament, THAT MAKES YOU IN THE PUBLIC EYE!!!
I get pissed off when people make fun of people who can't fight back. If Imus made fun of kids with Autism, that would piss me off because kids with Autism can't tell Don to fuck off! Kia Vaughn CAN tell Don to fuck off (if she does that she runs the risk of offending Don and having him screw, um I mean, sue her).
Obviously, Ms. Vaughn has nice hair - you can see in the picture it is not nappy at all (Not that nappy is bad - I don't want to offend anyone). I for one do not question Ms. Vaughn's chaste, in fact I understand the word, "ho" is a widely used word in the lexicon of urban hipsters and old curmudgeonly radio hosts (and Santa Claus). I also don't think I am the only person in the world who feels this way. Ms. Vaughn, your character is fine and I'm sure nobody actually believes you are a "Nappy Headed Ho" SO STOP STANDING THERE WITH YOUR GREEDY LITTLE HAND OUT!
I think Imus is getting screwed on this deal, love him or hate him, he is getting screwed. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't someone who screws someone else for money - a, "Prostitute"?
People are too damn sensitive, just the other day I was accused of being racist because I stated, "I would never vote for someone like Obama". My friend said, "you're racist, you wouldn't vote for Obama because he is black"? I said, "no, I would not vote for Obama because he is a little milk toast pussy".
Don Imus being sued
Mike Lewis
Labels: don imus, frivolous lawsuits, nappy headed hos, News
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I find Imus completely unfunny and being a life long Stern fan dislike him by default, but I completely agree with you on this. I cringed at the press conference the team held during the heyday of this circus. I thought it was a huge grandstanding move only drawing negative attention to themselves. I thought when the coach accepted Don's apology and the dude lost his job it was done and over with it. I guess not...
I can't believe Kia Vaughn showed up to her press conference with a straight face.
Sadly, white folk before us have fucked over black people so bad that there now exists a double standard. They can say anything they want, we have to keep our mouths shut.
It's the way things are.
Imus was a jerk long before any of this, so I don't feel bad for him at all.
He pushed his luck.
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