New Song of the ... Just Click Play
I hope you enjoy The Weakerthans - My Favorite Chords
One of my favorite bands.
Alright I figured it out, it seems that my code was missing a <, so...
it's working now... enjoy!
Song of the... Just Click Play...
The Weakerthans
Mike Lewis
Labels: Song of the... Just click play
On This Day....
8: Horace, Latin poet, satirist, dies
Then Nothing really happened on this day until...
1940: Actor Bruce Lee (Liu Yuen Kam) born
1942: Rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix Schulz (Foxy Lady, Purple Haze) born
1962: Rock musician Charlie Benante (Anthrax) born
1962: Rock musician Mike Bordin (Faith No More) born
1984: Artificial heart recipient William J. Schroeder speaking for the first time since the implant, asked for a can of beer -- a wish that was granted two days later
Mike Lewis
Labels: On This Day...
Autism News: Hillary talks - Autism Speaks responds... I remain bitter
So I have had a few emails today asking if I am planning to Vote for Hillary based on THIS STORY. My answer is simple, "The elections are 11.5 months away"! I think it is foolish for anyone to be 100% sure for whom they are voting this early in the game.
I like what she said, more money devoted too:
• Expanding research to identify the causes of autism, including potential environmental reasons.
• Improving education and early detection and intervention, including creating a task force to investigate autism treatments and services.
• Training for teachers to instruct children with autism.
Perhaps she should add a babysitter fund for the 10's of thousands of parents of kids with Autism, who NEVER get to go out on regular dates.Autism Speaks, responded: Since they are non-profit they will not endorse any candidate. In the same breath, families dealing with Autism are "non profit" too - so that's a good excuse NOT to endorse anyone.
Here's the deal folks... Not talking about all the emotional and stressful feelings associated with Autism, The financial portion is just adds to the mix... Maybe this will better help me explain:
1. monthly cost of my son's therapy=$8,900.00
2. monthly income=A LOT less than $8,900.00
Insurance companies help, but what insurance companies are the best at: finding loopholes NOT to cover. In fact, my 5 year old son has reached his LIFETIME LIMIT ON PHYSICAL THERAPY! Ahhhhhh! I knew this post would end up just pissing me off.
I will leave you with this, what is Autism?
Autism is a complex brain disorder that inhibits a person's ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by extreme behavioral challenges. Autism spectrum disorders are diagnosed in one in 150 children in the United States, affecting four times as many boys as girls. The diagnosis of autism has increased tenfold in the last decade. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have called autism a national public health crisis whose cause and cure remain unknown.
Mike Lewis
Ric Flair supporting Mike Huckabee
I don't know much about Mike Huckabee other than he seems to be the "tough guy's" guy.
Recently Chuck Norris (NOTE: There is no chin under Chuck Norris' Beard - There is only another fist) as endorsed Mr. Huckabee, and now Ric "The NatureBoy" Flair (pictured) is jumping on board. In a statement just in time for Iowa, Mr. Flair was quoted as saying, "WOOOOOO!"
Mike Lewis
Labels: politics
Meet the women who won't have babies - because they're not eco friendly
Attention all annoying people... do this.
"At the age of 27 this young woman at the height of her reproductive years was sterilized to 'protect the planet'."
Don't get me wrong, saving the planet is a noble cause, but being down right annoying is another thing entirely. I'm no saint and I annoy plenty of people (just ask my wife), but give me a break STERILIZE YOURSELF TO PROTECT THE PLANET?!?!?!?!?
Here's an idea, have LOTS of PROTECTED SEX to save the planet!
Mike Lewis
Look Me In The Eye!
Anyone who knows me, knows I am a proud father of a young man with Autism, as well as an obvious advocate for the cause.
This morning on The KQ Morning Show, Tom and the crew interviewed John Elder Robison, author of, Look Me In The Eye, a story about growing up with Asperger's Syndrome.
It was a great interview and I am excited to read the book. Mr. Robison is quite the interesting cat, older brother of Augusten Burroughs, "Running With Scissors". After quitting high school, John started tinkering with music instruments, he eventually ended up on the road with KISS. He designed Ace Frehley's signature "smoking Les Paul" as well as other Stage instruments.
From building guitars to designing games for "Milton Bradley", John Elder Robison has had an interesting life. I'm very excited to read his book. His blog is very inspirational as well.
Mike Lewis
Labels: asperger's syndrome, autism, books, sites i like
Song of the... Just Click Play...
The Mystery of the Missing Hockey Star
Three types of people know the story of Bill Barilko: Canadians, Hockey Fans, or "Tragically Hip" fans (in most cases it's all three).
"In April 1951, in one of the most dramatic moments in hockey history, defenceman Bill Barilko scores the goal that takes the Stanley Cup for the Maple Leafs. Four months later he disappears in the northern Ontario wilderness.
The Leafs didn't win another cup until 1962... the year Barilko's body was discovered"
Since Hockey is in full effect, I thought I would share with you a band who is synonymous with the great sport.
Today's song is "Fifty Mission Cap" off of the CD "Fully Completely". The song is about the Leafs, and the disappearance of Bill Barilko.
I hope you like the tune, The Hip is somewhat of a love em or hate em kind of band (kind of like Hockey is a Love it or hate it kind of sport).
Here is a bonus for all you Rock and Hockey fans out there, "Lonely Side of the Rink" by the Tragically Hip...
Mike Lewis
Labels: hockey, Song of the... Just click play
Have you been Monkey Mucked today?
Monkey Mucker is a site I visit daily. If the writers at "Daily Show" or "Cobert" were half as funny as Dr. Monkerstein, I'd probably still be watching those shows. Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein's view of life is quite refreshing. There are 4 stages of being a Monkey Mucker you will experience... but it's worth it.
Dr. Monkerstein blogs about politics, cooking, Whos holding our crunky, who's holding our crunky now, most important, who'holding our crunky NOW.
I just wish he would shed some light on those crazy Indian (Tech Support, not Casino) Monkey Theives.
So be a garsh darn Monkey Mucking, Monkey Mucker TODAY.
Tell the good Doctor that Mother Goldstein sent you.
Mike Lewis
Labels: sites i like
New Song of the... Just Click Play
New Song of the... Just Click Play - Keeping with the slide guitar I decided to go with a little Blugrass R&B.
Sweet Soul Music by Run C&W - Hope ya'all like it. You may remember I blogged about Run C&W a while back in my Twang of Fools post.
Mike Lewis
Labels: Song of the... Just click play
Today's "Toothpaste for Dinner"
Mike Lewis
Labels: comic, toothpastefordinner
Dinosaur Found With 'Vacuum-Cleaner' Mouth
Dinosaur Found With 'Vacuum-Cleaner' Mouth, Wow I dated a girl back in the 80's who had a 'Vacuum-Cleaner' nose.
Mike Lewis
Labels: coke sluts, dinosaurs, ex girlfriends, science and technology
$1,000.00 Sundaes - no extra charge for the Mouse shit sprinkles
People wait in line for hours to eat at Serendipity 3, Apparently there is a underground basement entrance right next to the puddle of cockroach invested stagnant water, with no waiting at all.
"$25,000 Frrrozen Haute Chocolate features top-grade cocoa, edible gold and shavings of a luxury truffle and was declared the most expensive dessert in the world by Guinness World Records."
Wow!$25,000 for a "Frrrozen Haute Chocolate"!? Has anyone ever purchased one of these?!?!? If so I hope it had lots of mouse poop mixed in with the edible gold and shavings of luxury truffle.
This story disturbs me in so many ways...
Mike Lewis
Labels: strange
Jay Z Flashing Euros instead of Benjamins
does this signal the decline of the dollar?
Is Jay Z making a political economic statement in His Latest Video by flashing Euros instead of Benjamins?
In a related story, I hear Snoop Dogg is planing on "Droppin Loonies like they're hot" in his next video.
Mike Lewis
Do a Deed for a Dude Part II
First of all answer to the "what is this thing" question is "Guitar Nut Extender" so TA you win the prize!
Now as far as the Do a Deed for a Dude - I was trying to come up with a mnemonic device to remember Open D tuning... Do a Deed for a Dude doesn't work because open d tuning is DADF#AD. So if anyone has any ideas let me know.
I just took my first Lap Steel lesson and purchased the Kelly Joe Phelps Lap steel DVD. Guitar is equipped with my Nut Extender (I love saying that) and tuned to Open D...
Here's your first lesson:
D Major Scale in open D:
Click on the image to see a bigger view.
I'm so stoked about taking lessons - I only wish I would have done this 10 years ago.
Next we'll talk about slides and dobro capos.
Mike Lewis
Labels: gear, slide guitar
New Feature - Song of the... Just click play
With heavy inspiration from Beth's Mix Tape Friday and TA's, "my favorite songs in the world" (BTW, TA is the person who introduced me to Beth's Blog... Thanks). I would like to introduce to you, the Mother Goldstein - SONG OF THE... JUST CLICK PLAY. I know if I called it, "Song of the Day" I could never live up to such a title.
Anyway, for my debut SONG OF THE... JUST CLICK PLAY Here's Kelly Joe Phelps, "Tight to the Jar"...
I'm taking slide steel lessons from Kelly (via DVD). He is an unbelievable musician. He plays Lap Steel, Banjo, harmonica, and acoustic finger pickin guitar... Oh yeah he sings too. He's not coming to minneapolis anytime soon so attention to all my friends in GA and NY...
12-03-07 (a day before my birthday)Kelly will be playing at Eddie's Attic, in DECATUR, GA. If you happen to be in NYC one week later check out Kelly at Joe's Pub in NEW YORK, NY. Tell him Mother Goldstein sent you.
Mike Lewis
Labels: Song of the... Just click play
Family Guy Quotes - The Funniest Quotes from the Griffin Family
I have Been spending too much time on this site, If you are a Family Guy fan as I am, you will like this.
Mike Lewis
Labels: family guy, sites i like
Do A Deed For A Dude - Part 1
Step One: Do A Deed For A Dude (or Dig A Ditch for a Doob).
Step Two: get one of these...
What is this thing anyway?
To be continued...
Mike Lewis
Labels: gear, slide guitar
Guitar(s) of the week: Three Gems all under $600
My idea this week is simple, find 3 guitars under $600.00. The only rule is, I would not hesitate to own any of these...
First up we have the new Epiphone, 1967 reissue Flying V with the uncovered humbuckers, two tone paintjob, and the vintage bridge. Best part of this is the price - $399.99 brand new.

Next we have another Epiphone... this is the Wild Kat, Semi-Hollow with P-90s, and a Bigsby Tremelo. $499 and this one is yours!

There you have it, Three great guitars for the price of a Playstation 3 with a couple games... I only say that because my birthday is just around the corner... less than a month! hint hint.
Mike Lewis
Labels: epiphone, gear, gretch, guitar of the week
Apocolypto: like the Under the Bridge video with lots of blood and violence and nothing to do with Anthony Kiedis' drug problems.
I finally watched the movie, "Apocolypto" and wow, those Mayans were assholes!
It was no "Braveheart" and I still haven't seen "The Passion of the Christ" (and please people, don't tell me how it ends!).
"Apocolypto" reminded me of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, "Under the Bridge" video. If the video also had: human sacrifices, historic inaccuracies, plague, and slavery...
Anyway, the movie is about a Jaguar Paw (played by Rudy Youngblood a.k.a. Anthony Kiedis), a young hunter/warrior (pictured). He is rounded up with some other cats... taken to the Mayan city and... well, then it gets crazy.
Jaguar Paw runs (slow motion) for the rest of the movie. I could not get the RHCP song out of my head, so I paused the tivo... grabbed by iPod and listened to "under the bridge" while watching Jaguar Paw get chased through the jungle by Zero Wolf (played by Raoul Trujillo... he is one scary MF who could kick Jason's ass any day... AND Freddy Kruger, Charles Manson, that dude from "Saw", and zombies and vampires and who ever the hell you have to throw at him... But apparently he cant fuck with Anthony Keidis).
Apocolypto has everything, and maybe too much of everything. There are many scenes that made me cringe like a little school girl (thank the Mayan Gods for Tivo rewind). The over the top violence, makes "Braveheart" look like "Shrek", but I guess in some strange way I loved it.
I'll give Apocolypto 4 out of 5 beheadings... but only 3 out of 5 spears through the mid section... for a grand total of 8 out of 10 sacrificial heart removals (while the heart is still beating).
Here's a scene...
Mike Lewis
Labels: mel gibson, movie
Pope Meets a Saudi King for First Time
After spending over an hour complementing each other's outfits, they spent the afternoon admiring each other's gold plated stuff (chairs, floors, cars, canes, jaunty sashes, shoes, knives, forks, plates, toilets, and jewelry). Later in the afternoon, over a couple Gyros and kashgalosh, they got into a heated debate over who has historically destroyed more innocent lives to further their cause. The Pope won hands down.
I have a hard time trusting Guys in Dresses... Other than Jamie Farr from MASH (pictured below).
Mike Lewis
New Drug Alert!
I have always tried to know what is going on with the kids, but when I read this New Drug Alert! I was floored!
Have you heard of the new drug for all the Cooligans? JenKem!
That's because Jenkem's active ingredients are urine and fecal matter, hence its street names like "Butthash" and "Fruit from Crack Pipe."
I guess the good news is JENKEM labs are not as dangerous as meth labs... in fact most homes have JENKEM labs... they're called toilets!
Advice to all you kids high on the "ButtHash", I don't think mints will work, Not even Altoids.
I guess what I am most worried about is, if this drug catches on, the PSAs are going to be horrible... "I learned it from watching YOU dad!"
Mike Lewis
100 things Brits find annoying: USA Makes list for 231st time!
It's probably not a good thing, but I have been reading The Sun lately. Here is an interesting list ... Americans are 49th on the list for most annoying - Get over it!
Mike Lewis