
Autism News: Hillary talks - Autism Speaks responds... I remain bitter

So I have had a few emails today asking if I am planning to Vote for Hillary based on THIS STORY. My answer is simple, "The elections are 11.5 months away"! I think it is foolish for anyone to be 100% sure for whom they are voting this early in the game.

I like what she said, more money devoted too:

• Expanding research to identify the causes of autism, including potential environmental reasons.

• Improving education and early detection and intervention, including creating a task force to investigate autism treatments and services.

• Training for teachers to instruct children with autism.

Perhaps she should add a babysitter fund for the 10's of thousands of parents of kids with Autism, who NEVER get to go out on regular dates.

Autism Speaks, responded: Since they are non-profit they will not endorse any candidate. In the same breath, families dealing with Autism are "non profit" too - so that's a good excuse NOT to endorse anyone.

Here's the deal folks... Not talking about all the emotional and stressful feelings associated with Autism, The financial portion is just adds to the mix... Maybe this will better help me explain:

1. monthly cost of my son's therapy=$8,900.00
2. monthly income=A LOT less than $8,900.00

Insurance companies help, but what insurance companies are the best at: finding loopholes NOT to cover. In fact, my 5 year old son has reached his LIFETIME LIMIT ON PHYSICAL THERAPY! Ahhhhhh! I knew this post would end up just pissing me off.

I will leave you with this, what is Autism?
Autism is a complex brain disorder that inhibits a person's ability to communicate and develop social relationships, and is often accompanied by extreme behavioral challenges. Autism spectrum disorders are diagnosed in one in 150 children in the United States, affecting four times as many boys as girls. The diagnosis of autism has increased tenfold in the last decade. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have called autism a national public health crisis whose cause and cure remain unknown.


Jackson said...

As always, Hue gives us a wider viewpoint.

I think Hillary will say anything to get elected.

Cup said...

Insurance companies are pure evil, aren't they? I know they're for-profit corporations that must first serve their boards, but why can't they step up when they're most needed?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Lifetime limit my ass, I say we burn those mother's out and make them do the right thing.

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