
Happy Autism Awareness Month

An message to all 11 of you MotherGoldstein readers...

My postings kind of dried up since the last big Autism walk, and thanks by the way to everyone who donated. Overall the walk raised over $120,000 for the Autism Society of MN.
I will back to posting soon.
My family recently got the news that my youngest daughter is now also on the Autism spectrum. She has been going through many test (all of which are NOT covered by my BULSHIT insurance). Keep my family in your thoughts and I will be back posting soon.


Jackson said...

Hold the line my man, a lot of attention is being paid, and a lot of pressure on the health insurance industry. Might not happen this year, but I think we'll see Autism coverage soon.

We better. I'm in a revolutionary mood. "Off with their heads" has been a big phrase for me lately. We need to kill the motherfucking insurance stranglehold on our lives.

This country is fucked, and that's agenda item number one.

Tony Alva said...

I was afraid something was amuck having not heard from you for so long. I'm with Jackson, hold the line and be the guy/dad you are and ask for help when you need to. Stay in touch even if it's to bitch and get shit off your chest...