
Happy Birthday Keith...

Happy Birthday Keith, you don't look a day over 113.

On a "sad"/"wow, it's been that long" note...

Can you believe it has been 10 years to the day since the untimely death of Chris Farley?


Tony Alva said...

Jackson and I saw Keith abd the Expensive Wino's perform on this day in 1989 and as a B-day present, the band brought Johnny Johnson out to sit in on a couple of songs. I'll never forget it.

I watched the Chris Farley SNL special this weekend and was laughing my ass off. His Matt Foley routine absolutely kills me everytime.

Cup said...

As I do every year, I wore all black yesterday in honor of my beloved's birthday.

Keef, not Chris.

Anonymous said...

When Keith and the boys played Fargo he said, (after hearty cheers and huzzahs,) "Shit, I could live here."

Jackson said...

Keith can live anywhere, and often does.

Cup said...

Where have you gone, my invisible friend?