
Mom, will you get me some Sunny D and take me and my homies to murder someone?

Did you read about California's Mother of the year ? This story is wrong for so many reasons.

Letting your 14 year old kid be in a gang... wrong.
Letting your 14 year old kid be in a gang called, "the Latin Marijuana Smokers gang "... wrong.
Driving your 14 year old kid and other members of the Latin Marijuana Smokers gang to a skate park to stab a 13 year old non member of the Latin Marijuana Smokers gang... wrong.

The mom is obviously the catalyst for this crime - without her driving the gang members to the skate park this crime would have never been perpetrated. I mean with a name like "the Latin Marijuana Smokers gang" do you think these kids would have walked to the skate park? Hell no!

I would think a gang called, the Latin Marijuana Smokers gang wouldn't be dangerous at all. In fact I will bet this gang is awesome at "Guitar Hero".

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